Thursday, October 12, 2006

DAY 107


at sunset
the Straight of Gibralter

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

DAY 99

Lisboa, Portugal

Random Picturesque Photos That I Liked

Random Photos That I Liked

Views of Lisboa

Lisboa at Sunset

Cristo Rei

café with romanesque art on the front

Banco Totta & Açores

Elevador de Santa Justa

Teatro de S Carlos

Campo Pequeno

Museu Militar

Marquês Pombal

cool looking buildings

Teatro Nacional Maria II

The Main Synagoge in Lisboa (though it is closed up when I went to see it)

Panteão National

(I think, I will have to get back on the name)

Praça do Comercio

statue at Praça do Comercio
Arco da Rua Augusta at P of C


Torre de Belém

Palácio Belém
the palace
the guards
the statue in front

Centro Cultural de Belém

Castelo de Sao Jorge
Map of the Property
front gate
the whole castle
the ticket office
The front of the Castle

The Castle

Igreja de S Domingos
Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Misericórdia
Igreja de Santa Maria Maior
Igraja dos Mártires

churches that I have to look for the name again

Jardim da Estrela
statue in front of the entrance

the garden

the gazeboo
and yes...... the peacock is real

can you imagine going to school in a garden :)

Praça do Município
City Hall

antique car show at City Hall

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